To those who are calling/coming the office –please have some understanding and compassion for our staff who are doing their very best to answer every call and process every request effectively. Our volume of calls have increased significantly and each call is taking longer than usual to process. Being aggressive or rude to the staff does not make the process go any faster and does in fact make the process longer and frustrating for both parties.

Our being unable to accommodate your request does not make us rude it means we are unable to complete the request for a reason, such as, it goes against physician office policy (staff does not make policy they just follow it), the physician does not have an appointment available on the day and time you want to come in (staff does not make the physician schedules, physicians do) etc. Asking us multiple times, and being denied multiple times, for the same request that we explained was not possible is counterproductive and again frustrating for both parties.

We stand by our wonderful staff who, despite being verbally abused every day, still show up, but it does affect their mental health. Physicians and management will not tolerate verbal/physical abuse of staff. All verbally abusive calls will now be recorded and forwarded to management. The incident will be discussed with your physician and consequences may include dismissal from the clinic. We understand illness and injury can be stressful, but that does not allow a patient, or their family, to be abusive.

We have many wonderful patients of our clinic and we sincerely thank you for your kindness, on the phone and when you are in our environment. When coming to see your physician, we look forward to seeing you through your wonderful happy life events and hope we are a place of support and understanding when you are dealing with illness and sad events in your life.