Please note that injections cannot be given by our nursing staff without a doctor present in the clinic.
We cannot guarantee that doctors will be in the clinic as early as 8:00am every morning, especially on Wednesday morning when most of our doctors start at 9:00 am.
If no doctors are here, we will ask you to wait or to come back at a later time.
Catch-Up Clinics for Grade 7 and 8: Hepatitis B, Meninggococcal and HPV – Ottawa Public Health
If you receive a letter stating that you need to get one of the immunization above, please contact Public Health at 613-580-56744 to book an appointment. If in clinic, fees wil apply.
Visit Pulblic Heath’s website for clinics schedule.
Below is a summary of general routine immunizations recommended and funded by our province for Children:
For complete and detailed table, please visit The Ottawa Public Health webpage:
Please note:
Children 4-6 years old
For children going to school: if the date of birth falls after the child is starting school, it will not be necessary to have he/she receive their vaccines earlier. After their birthday, visit your family doctor and their immunizations will be updated accordingly.
Contact Ottawa Public Health with your child’s updated information.
Vaccines Cards
Recommended Vaccines for Adults (not limited to the following):
- Tetanus: every 10 years – Covered by OHIP
- Pneumovax 23: 65 years old and over – Not covered by OHIP
- HPV: Female up to 49 years old Male up to 26 years old- Not covered by OHIP
- Zostavax: 50 years old and over (shingles )- Not covered by OHIP
- Menveo: University age patients – Not covered by OHIP
- Prevnar 13: 19 years old and over – Not covered by OHIP
There may be exceptions for coverage for High Risk patients
There may be other vaccines available if medically needed.
Travel Vaccines
Our physicians do not run anymtravel clinics.
For Travel Medicine Clinics in the city of Ottawa, click here.
Flu Vaccine
We encourage our patient to get their flu shots every year. The public health agency of Canada produces a new vaccine each year that provides protection against the most common strains predicted for the coming season.
Flu vaccines are covered by OHIP and are free to Ontario patients.
Flu vaccines will be offered at Meadowlands Family Health Center starting late October. We run flu clinics every year. Please check our website every fall for exact dates.
A flu consent form will be provided to you prior to the administration of the vaccine by our medical staff. If you wish you may visit the City of Ottawa link to print off your own consent form, complete it and bring it with you to your flu shot visit.
Tuberculin Skin Testing (TB)
It is a skin test that can determine whether you have been exposed to tuberculosis.
Cost: $60.00.
For all live vaccines, we will ask all our patients to wait an extra 15 minutes in the waiting room to ensure no allergic reaction is occurring.